The most commonly used packaging for the commercial purpose is as follows:
1. The traditional way of sending out the goods is with the crates and pallets. They keep the products in a safe position. The objects are raised at a particular height so that there is no risk or jerk while being displaced. It is for this reason that they are safely used in all kinds of transportation modes. These crates and pallets can be bought in different materials like the wood, or plastic. The recyclable materials are preferred to reduce the cost. They are particularly meant for the secondary packaging.
2. Unlike the crate or the pallet the shrink wrap is considered as a better option for it serves the purpose of being the primary or the secondary. They are great for they can be used for small and huge products effectively. The sender can wrap a product as small as a CD or as huge as a whole lot of pallets. They are preferred for being a string protection. Once the object is safely wrapped there is nothing to worry about the impact, abrasion or the puncture. It won’t cost much with all these qualities. It looks good and keeps all goods intact.
3. For food items and the products that need to stay dehydrated vacuum packaging is used. It allows the perfect seal like quality once the products are sealed. They can be used for both short time and long time packaging. The purpose of this packaging is to eliminate the excess oxygen that is likely to wrap the food items at the time of packaging. This reduces the chances of developing the molds and other harmful bacteria. This kind of packaging is equally good for transporting the medical equipment.
4. The concept of the shrink wrap and the vacuum packaging were integrated to create a different kind of packaging that is referred as the preservation packaging. The technique is used for canned foods, egg cartons and even dairy products. Bubble wrap is also a kind of this good packaging that prevents additional pressure from harming and damaging the items.
5. The fragile items require additional attention and care while being transported to their desired destination. Products made out of crystal, glass are subject to damage due to the continued shocks and vibrations while the things are being transported. Humidity, dust and moisture are equally cursing. The shock mount packaging serves the needs of all such goods.
There are multiple packaging options to choose from. The choice depends on the kind of products to be packed and the mode of transportation. Combining two types of the packaging to create one is equally great option.